Semana Santa 2024
One of the major activities during the Holy Week at the Albay Cathedral in Legazpi City is the Good Friday procession, featuring over 50 pasos (carrozas) each with life-sized images numbering from a single figure to 12 or more.
There used to be a procession held during Maundy Thursday, featuring Christ's Passion, and His followers. Another procession, now with the Santo Entierro, is held on Good Friday, but his time all the images wearing black. But the church has deemed it more practical and economical for paso owners to just have one major procession which could start earlier rather than wait until after the Mass of the Last Supper.
Numerous photographs of these processional images were previously taken in color, and it has become artistically monotonous.
A coverage in black and white was opted for the following reasons:
1. To remember the old tradition of images of Saints and characters in Christ's passion being garbed in black during the Good Friday procession.
2. To focus on Christ's sufferings and the sentiments sought to be portrayed in the tableau vivant without the distractions of color and vibrancy.
3. To unhide imperfections in the art and lighting for improvements.
THUS THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD SHINES PERPETUALLY AGAINST THE DARK. (Sic lux in tenebris lucet, et tenebrae eam non comprehenderunt)